Describe concepts of holistic health and wellbeing that inform life choices, and have an impact on our physical, mental, social, cultural, spiritual and behavioural outcomes, across the life course.

Presentation (narrated text) 1. Describe concepts of holistic health and wellbeing that inform life choices, and have an impact on our physical, mental, social, cultural, spiritual and behavioural outcomes, across the life course. 2. Understand and apply the principles of health promotion, protection and improvement, whilst recognising the importance of prevention of ill health when … Read more

Discuss the significance of leadership competencies and personal leadership style related to future MSN role and specialty track and how this may attribute to your growth as a leader.

Description Reflect upon a leader who impacted your practice: – How was this person an effective leader? – What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) did the person possess within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework (Holistic health, Person-centeredness, Focus on care, Professional identity formation, Extraordinary nursing, Cultural humility)? – Discuss the significance of … Read more