What is the author’s point of view-Are they trying to convince the reader of something?

This Touchstone provides an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a topic in U.S. Touchstone 1: Case Study Close Reading ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will select a source on a topic in U.S. history to read like a historian. As you learned, doing a close reading means reading the text multiple times, … Read more

If we think of Jim Crowism as systematic racism spread over the generations, was she right? Discuss at least 3 examples, support your answer thoroughly explaining why you responded the way you did.

Achille’s Heel Historian Darlene Clarke Hine once said that African Americans found the Achille’s Heel in Jim Crowism (paraphrased). If we think of Jim Crowism as systematic racism spread over the generations, was she right? Discuss at least 3 examples, support your answer thoroughly explaining why you responded the way you did.

Who ruled Huron societies? How and why was that person chosen to be leader?

Huron societies 1) Who ruled Huron societies? How and why was that person chosen to be leader? 2) What roles did men have in Huron society? What roles did women have? 3) One historian has called Huron society a female dominated society. Do you agree, did the women have the power? Why or why not? … Read more