Choose one of these drugs (Heroin, Cocaine or Marijuana) and describe what historical impact has legislation had on the availability legality of the drug?

DRUGS AND CRIMES Choose one of these drugs (Heroin, Cocaine or Marijuana) and describe the following: How did the drug initially arrive in the United States? Was the drug received favorably or negatively by main stream society? What historical impact has legislation had on the availability legality of the drug?  

Hypothetical Case Study : Based on what you have learned in this module, explain to her the advantages and disadvantages of the following techniques as well as the possible outcomes:

Hypothetical Case Study Julie uses heroin for her reported chronic pain. She states that if she does not take something for her pain, she becomes depressed and suicidal. She has agreed to see a counselor. She has also stated that she does not know anything about her treatment options but is willing to try any … Read more

Choose either the Disease model or the Moral model and describe how Mike developed his addiction based on that model.

Review the “CASE of MIKE” in Chapter 5 below and respond the following questions: 1.  Choose either the Disease model or the Moral model and describe how Mike developed his addiction based on that model. This response should be 10 or more sentences. 2.  After reading the article : Starting Where the Client is, discuss … Read more