Select one song that reflects one of more themes presented in the poem selected.: In paragraph one, evaluate the poem you selected.

Writing the Nation Step 1: Read the about the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, and Countee Cullen in the Writing the Nation: A Concise Introduction to American Literature, and select one of the following poems to analyze: “Christ in Alabama” “Negro Speaks of Rivers” “Theme for English B” “Heritage” “Yet I do Marvel” Step 2: Select … Read more

Discuss the importance of the Harlem Renaissance and the role it played on the political and cultural front of the lives of African-Americans of that time as well as a way for them to display their own expression.

Discuss the importance of the Harlem Renaissance and the role it played on the political and cultural front of the lives of African-Americans of that time as well as a way for them to display their own expression.