What affect did Mg have on the rate of the reaction?

Biology Report The data you will need to answer the following questions are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Color, estimated pH and absorption every 10 min from the bicarbonate solution. Time (min) W Syringe G Syringe Color Estimated pH Absorption Å Color Estimated pH Absorption Å 0   Red/Purple 8.8 0.779 Red/Purple 8.8 0.761 … Read more

Write a Java program to check whether a string contains only a certain set of characters (in this case a-z, A-Z and 0-9).

JAVA Advanced System Development. Write a regular expression that will match a string that starts with a series of letters. The letters must be followed by a period. After the period, there must be a series of digits. The string “kjisl.22” would match. The string “f4.12b” would not. Use the following string to test your … Read more

Read a graph of nodes; you can use a text file to read the graph from.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment You need to write a program (preferably in Java) to do the following: Given a graph of (nodes and edges), find a path using the following algorithms: Depth First Search USC A* Use the class Vertex for the graph nodes Name of the node: use alphabetic to represent the names … Read more

Find the area of the region inside lemniscate r2 = 2 sin 2θ and outside the circle r = 1 . Graph the curves in one coordinate plane and find all the intersection points first.

Find the equation of the parabola with vertex (0, 0) symmetric about the x-axis and passes through the point (2−3). Written Homework 4 Instructions: There are 8 problems. Try to show key steps. Correct solution without showing proper work may receive no credit. (10 pts) Find the radius and the interval of convergence for following … Read more

Info system: select two graphs for presentation to the class.what kind of graph is it?what does the graph communicate?how well does it communicate?what is the point of the graph?

Info system From this graph http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/ http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/ select two graphs for presentation to the class. What kind of graph is it? What does the graph communicate? How well does it communicate? What is the point of the graph?