Gorgias arguments : Socrates offers four arguments against rhetoric in the Gorgias. Choose one  arguments and defend or challenge his claim.

Gorgias arguments  Socrates offers four arguments against rhetoric in the Gorgias. Choose one  arguments and defend or challenge his claim. Clearly state what the argument is you are discussing, provide reasons for your defense/challenge.  200-250 words! SOURCES YOU CAN USE: GORGIAS by Plato: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1672/1672-h/1672-h.htm

Political Philosophy: explain how Plato’s Gorgias demonstrates the depth of the human love of, or attachment to, justice and nobility.

Political Philosophy. •Explain how Plato’s Gorgias demonstrates the depth of the human love of, or attachment to, justice and nobility. In doing so be sure to address the following: • How does Gorgias underestimate the extent to which human beings love, or are otherwise attached, to justice? Why is this a problem for him? • … Read more