Identify the focal point, perfect rhyme, slant rhyme, and reflector rhymes within the song.

  Writing a Rap Song Hip Hop Song: The song can be about any topic of your choosing,(Hustling) but it should be inspired by something we read this semester. The only requirements for song is that it be16 bars (lines) long and should incorporate rhyme patterns that we learned with Mickey Factz. The song should … Read more

Identify ways you can grow in the professional dispositions and ethics, justify your action steps, and explain how you will collaborate with families, caregivers, and the larger community to apply the professional dispositions and ethics in the future.

Create an action plan for ongoing professional development in the following professional dispositions and ethics PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS AND ETHICS The development of the School of Education (SOE) Professional Dispositions and Ethics for Next-Gen candidates strengthens the educational experience and conveys the SOE’s commitment to teaching, learning, and leading to the greater professional community. This professional … Read more

What your sample data is and from where you collect them; on what basis you are convinced the sample is random

Is the same kind of bagels priced higher in Walmart than in Costco Discussion 5 The writing involves the following five parts: Introduction (what is the hypothesis you want to test; what is the population data you have in mind) data collection (what your sample data is and from where you collect them; on what … Read more

Who are the stakeholders in early childhood and what are their roles?

533 discussion When students write in journals, they are not writing to perform; instead, they are writing to think on paper about new ideas they are encountering. Journals provide a great opportunity for students to learn by writing, and they encourage students to be reflective. Each week a journal prompt will be provided that is … Read more

What type of formatting is used for this communication channel?

What is the context for the business communication Summerative Questions In the workplace, you will often make decisions about communication as well as develop and deliver different types of professional communications. You will need to be able to assess the effect of social media and other digital technologies on business communication. In addition, you will … Read more

What have you learned about the influence of food and nutrients on human development and about the underlying causes of many of the chronic diseases?

Write a 2-3 page essay reflecting on how food and what people eat influences people’s health and wellbeing. What have you learned about the influence of food and nutrients on human development and about the underlying causes of many of the chronic diseases? Have your views toward food and eating changed? If so, how?