Explain what challenges are posed to strategists in executing cross border activities.

Despite perceived increases in cross-border activities, the actual level of globalization remains limited and much of its potential untapped. This is partly due to the persistent ethnocentric nature of how multinationals are managed and how, by extension, they go about leading cross-border activities. What stands in the way of more, and more effective cross-border expansion … Read more

Explain the impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies of India and Malaysia

THE IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN EMERGING ECONOMIES. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIA AND MALAYSIA Explain the impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies of India and Malaysia.Nations across the globe have developed progressively closer contacts since the onset of globalisation in the 1980s, but the pace of globalisation has increased … Read more

Explain the effects of neoliberalism and globalization in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Explain the effects of neoliberalism and globalization in Latin America and the Caribbean. What is neoliberalism and how it has affected Latin America? When did it start influencing economic policy? Where it was first tested as a policy? Against what kind of policies and ways to see development, citizenship, and wealth did these reforms reacted? … Read more

Develop a strategy for a specific organization to address the non-market pressures in a globalized and technological world.

Globalization and technological advancement have created a new paradigm for organizations. The globalized climate in which organizations operate has influenced the non-market and ethical environments. Develop a strategy for a specific organization to address the non-market pressures in a globalized and technological world. Ensure you address the ethical complexities through which leadership will need to … Read more