Are there elements of the message or media that would make this a wrong choice for children int he target age group?

How might parents or teachers use this media in interacting with children Assess media sources directed at children. Either a children’s show or other forms of media. Focus on how children are portrayed, how children’s issues are addressed, or how the media is designed to appeal to or influence children. If there is a teaching … Read more

Are there indications they are speeding things up, moving along, achieving their goals?

How will climate change impact that City Assessemnent Check out your municipal website. Explore beyond the initial pages. Dig into the planning information. Is there a climate report somewhere you can download? Information on extreme weather and emergencies for citizens? Gather all that you can including news reports. Check out the local CBC reporting or … Read more

Explain why you believe you can apply the examples of your selected leader to your “real-world” experience

Discuss the book’s premise and why you selected it based on its “premise. Leadership… Pick one book about one leader from the link above and write a one-page answer about why choose the book and the leader and the question below Discuss the book’s premise and why you selected it based on its “premise.” … Read more

Create an animated and visualized view with hourly departures during the month in New York area.

Data Analytics Practice With Tableau (I) Getting Tableau Program; Download/Upload Real Business Data a) Open the website of the real business that we are working with at: b) View and make a note for the default system data properties the website provided c) Download the needed data of 201501-citibike-tripdata.csv from Canvas-Assignment–Data Analytics Exercise with … Read more

How does the perceived “power type” of a leader influence student desire to learn? (“Power type” is based on French and Raven’s five power types).

How does education leadership motivate students to put forth the required study, practice, or rehearsal required to learn effectively Leadership Influence on Student Motivation The presentation needed the writer to Look for central themes that emerge from the transcripts and group them into common categories. Work the data, organize it, synthesize it, search for patterns, … Read more

Describe some features of current trends of globalization and possible responses to these trends.

What does the term globalization mean to you Globalization Using the following questions below as prompts, write a 2−3 page essay answering the each of the questions: What does the term globalization mean to you? Select any two factors affecting globalization and explain how they contribute to the process of globalization. Describe some features of … Read more

Is there a line where we drown in our devices and lose ourselves in the outside world?

What do we identify as traditional social institutions Watch the Amy’s Kitchen episode from the famous show Chef Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmare. Part 2 discussion (1) What do we identify as traditional social institutions? (2) Social institutions are established or standardized patterns of rule-governed behavior. They include family, education, religion, work, ethnic identity, social identity, … Read more

Show the graph that corresponds to the matrix in the first problem assuming the rows and columns correspond to the vertices a, b, c, d and e. Show its condensation graph, renaming its vertices.

Show the intermediate matrices after each iteration of the outermost loop. Using Warshall’s algorithm 1. Using Warshall’s algorithm, compute the reflexive-transitive closure of the relation below. Show the matrix after the reflexive closure and then after each pass of the outermost for loop that computes the transitive closure. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 … Read more

How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization?

Who are the constituents of the detention center Read the scenario, Off the Rails: A Troubled Criminal Justice Agency. Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper assessing the situation at the detention center. Include a discussion of the following questions: How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization? Can other … Read more

Based on your analysis, should the company open the mine?

Construct a spreadsheet to calculate the payback period, internal rate of return, modified internal rate of return, and net present value of the proposed mine. BULLOCK GOLD MINING Seth Bullock, the owner of Bullock Gold Mining, is evaluating a new gold mine in South Dakota. Dan Dority, the company’s geologist, has just finished his analysis … Read more