Discuss the narrative tradition that Giotto helped to develop as a didactic tool for the congregation of a Church, and explain how the new naturalism found in his style helped his viewers to understand his work.

Early Renaissance Giotto di Bondone is one of the best-known artists of the Early Renaissance in Italy, influential in developing what came to be the “Renaissance” style of painting. Discuss the narrative tradition that Giotto helped to develop as a didactic tool for the congregation of a Church, and explain how the new naturalism found … Read more

Select a work of art from your book (a painting or a sculpture).

Select a work of art from your book (a painting or a sculpture): it can be from any chapter we have covered this far (Chapters 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) will provide art from book giotto di bondone , Madonna Enthroned (Ognissanti Madonna) , from the Chiesa di Ognissanti (All Saints’ Church), Florence, ca. … Read more