How does this illusion demonstrate the rules and principles our brain uses to organize and interpret the information presented in a stimulus?

Revisit the distinction between sensory and perceptual processes by looking at one of the well-known optical illusions we encountered in class (e.g., Ponzo, Mueller Lyer). Recall that sensation and perception are distinct processes.Sensation involves absorbing information from physical stimuli in the environment through the senses, which then translate the information into neural signals that can … Read more

What are the four Gestalt principles and Describe some ways in which knowledge of Gestalt principles could be applied to the design of consumer products.

part 1: Sensory Deprivation A.In sensory deprivation studies Distinguish between the early studies that were done and the more recent research and how they inform scientists about sensation and perception. B. In our current COVID19 Crisis, Indicate how sensory deprivation is affecting you or family members. part 2:1. What does the doctrine of specific nerve … Read more