Choose a specific example in history and describe it. Include when a historical event occurred and describe how society responded. What effects did those responses have? Finally, do you think the event described could happen again? Where and why?

Geology “Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink” (Coleridge, 1798), quoted from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, written in 1798 by Samual Coleridge. Investigate the ways in which human-caused water shortages, contamination, floods, or other processes associated with fresh water have affected human history. Choose a specific example in history and describe … Read more

Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, for example, if it is about earthquakes, have you ever experienced one, or do you live in California and are concerned about them?

Geological Events. Geological events are in the news every day. Search the Internet for a news article related to geology that you can personally relate to, and provide the title, URL, and write a short summary.  Include why you found this article interesting. Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, … Read more

Spireslack area: write a paragraph describing the geology observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area.

Spireslack area Research and make observations and findings on the Spireslack area. Write a paragraph describing the geology observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area.  (100 words max not including the table). Describe the influence that anthropogenic activities has had on the landscape observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area (including comments about the water … Read more