Present a potential solutions to the problem of gender Inequality in Knowledge in a PowerPoint presentation.

Feminist Theories. Gender Inequality in Knowledge Present a potential solutions to the problem of gender Inequality in Knowledge in a PowerPoint presentation. Your PowerPoint presentation should include 15 to 20 slides Guidelines for the PowerPoint Your presentation should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts. Your presentation should be organized, … Read more

Discuss what led them to become an advocate and which of the sociological views help to explain the type of inequality being addressed by the advocate. Did their advocacy invoke a change and or influence others? Discuss why or why not. What lessons do you believe we can take away from this person and apply today?

Racial, ethnic, LGBTQ+, or gender inequality Use the internet to conduct research about a significant person who was or is an advocate against racial, ethnic, LGBTQ+, or gender inequality. Choose a person who has had an impact on promoting equality whether through philanthropy, civil rights, teachings, or lifestyle. Discuss what led them to become an … Read more

Provide an overview of the current factors influencing economic abuse, gender inequality, and family violence.

Family Violence Policy Economic abuse, gender inequality, and family violence against women have been accepted globally in cultures. Notably, this has traditionally been dictated by male chauvinistic beliefs. Other drivers to these vices include cultural norms, religious practices, and political and economic conditions (Grahame, n.d.). Nonetheless, ultimately committing financial abuse, gender inequality, and family violence … Read more