Choose four (4) of the disorders listed below.Which four (4) disorders did you choose? Why?What are some of the symptoms of these disorders?

Effects of psychological disorders and therapies. Choose four (4) of the disorders listed below. Using your textbook, the websites listed, and additional research then answer the Activity Questions below. Psychological Disorders: Dissociative Identity Disorder (movie: Identity) Bipolar Disorder (movie: Good Will Hunting) Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (movie: As Good As It Gets) Gender Dysphoria … Read more

Gender Dysphoria: write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a child’s gender identity.

Gender Dysphoria •Based articles on gender dysphoria, write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a child’s gender identity. •Think about society today and acceptance of varied gender roles compared to the 1950s. •What is different today in parenting styles compared to the 1950s? •Additionally, think … Read more