Creating a chart is not useful in and of itself unless it is properly interpreted. Write a brief analysis of the graph. What do you see in the graph that might be helpful to the production and sales people?

Business situations through graphs and tables Suppose Procter & Gamble sells 20 million bars of soap per week, but the demand is not constant and production management would like to get a better handle on how sales are distributed over the year. Let the following sales figures given in units of million bars represent the … Read more

PROCTER AND GAMBLE: Discuss three new innovative ideas, products, or services you will bring to the company, so you are better able to compete in the global marketplace.

PROCTER AND GAMBLE Select a publically traded company. You will do research on your selected company, and answer the following questions: 1.SWOT analysis— you are the new CEO of the company who is looking to improve the effectiveness of the company. Perform a SWOT analysis, and discuss strategies to correct the weakness and threats that … Read more