What color of visible light has the longest ?What is the frequency of light (s-1 ) that has a wavelength of 1.23 X 10 -6 cm ?

light 1.The energy of a photon of light is of what proportional to its frequency and to what proportional to its wavelength.2. What color of visible light has the longest wavelength?3. What is the frequency of light (s-1 ) that has a wavelength of 1.23 X 10 -6 cm ?4. What is energy of a … Read more

Frequency and standard deviation: explain what the coefficient of variation is.what is the advantage of using it compared to standard deviation?

Frequency and standard deviation. 1. For a dataset, without constructing of the frequency distribution table; how to obtain the class width of frequency distribution table if the number of classes is given? (2pts) Note: Use the formula in the slides; here frequency distribution table is not provided. 2. Explain the difference between a frequency distribution … Read more