How does the perceived “power type” of a leader influence student desire to learn? (“Power type” is based on French and Raven’s five power types).

How does education leadership motivate students to put forth the required study, practice, or rehearsal required to learn effectively Leadership Influence on Student Motivation The presentation needed the writer to Look for central themes that emerge from the transcripts and group them into common categories. Work the data, organize it, synthesize it, search for patterns, … Read more

Case scenario : Summarize the following reading strategies in 100-200 words each. Describe the benefits of the strategy and specific tips for implementation.

Comprehensive early reading strategies and instructional goals Develop a comprehensive early reading plan based on the following case scenario and the tasks that follow the scenario: Kale has just transferred to a new school from another state. It is the middle of the school year and Kale’s new teacher is concerned about his reading skills,particularly … Read more