Democracy : Franklin Roosevelt promised the American people a new deal. Most believed that he also meant a good deal. Did America get a good deal with the New Deal? Write an essay explaining ways in which the New Deal was a success and the ways in which it was not.

Democracy Franklin Roosevelt promised the American people a new deal. Most believed that he also meant a good deal. Did America get a good deal with the New Deal? Write an essay explaining ways in which the New Deal was a success and the ways in which it was not. Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency was the … Read more

Franklin Roosevelt was a great inventor, but he was also prominent in getting the Declaration of Independence passed and was present during the writing of the Constitution.Select one aspect of his life and explain.

United States History – George Washington •Franklin Roosevelt was a great inventor, but he was also prominent in getting the Declaration of Independence passed and was present during the writing of the Constitution.Select one aspect of his life and explain. •Take your selected topic George Washington and find 4 sources of information about the subject. … Read more