Critically evaluate the above statement in the light of the (then) House of Lords’ decision in the case of National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum. Has the court in Spectrum been mistaken in their understanding of the distinction between floating and fixed charges?

 ‘To Comply or Not to Comply: “The distinction between fixed and floating charges could be views as a fragile concept. Moreover, with a lack of statutory definitions to increase this distinction’s robustness, there is still much uncertainty to be addressed.” Jacob En Lun Lim, ‘The Concept of a Charge and the Fragility That Lies beneath … Read more

Discuss the police agency without also examining how the police and community interact.

The Police and the Community: It is impossible to discuss the police agency without also examining how the police and community interact. Sometimes this interaction is positive, and other times it can be negative. Regardless, the police depend on the community to successfully fulfill their mission. The people of the community depend on the police … Read more