Discuss who the Fourth Amendment regulates and the reasonableness clause and the warrant clause of the Fourth Amendment .

Constitution law Discuss who the Fourth Amendment regulates and the reasonableness clause and the warrant clause of the Fourth Amendment . Define the probable cause and reasonable suspicion of the current state of the law on probable cause and reasonable suspicion Provide at least 2 different fact scenarios to illustrate the steps in the decision-making … Read more

Fourth Amendment : When does the Fourth Amendment apply? How is the fourth amendment best analyzed? When does a search occur?

Fourth Amendment When does the Fourth Amendment apply? How is the fourth amendment best analyzed? When does a search occur? When can private parties be considered government actors? What is a seizure? Distinguish between seizures of persons and seizures of property. What is justification and why is it important? Compare and contrast probable cause, reasonable … Read more

Fourth Amendment : Do the police always need a search warrant to conduct a legal search according to the Fourth Amendment? List at least three exceptions to the warrant requirement, and give examples of each.

Fourth Amendment Do the police always need a search warrant to conduct a legal search according to the Fourth Amendment? List at least three exceptions to the warrant requirement, and give examples of each.

Fourth Amendment: Digital Data: address the issue of digital data in police investigations including the legal requirements.

Fourth Amendment: Digital Data The Fourth Amendment, which ultimately governs the legality of all governmental searches and seizures, was ratified in 1791. Obviously, that’s a long time before smart phones, computers, the internet, or even cars were invented. Evolving technology has always posed a challenge to courts interpreting the 4th amendment, and never more so … Read more