Find out why the particular system was chosen and its advantages and disadvantages. Determine what data security methods are used for the information.

Questions 1) Check Florida’s department of health website. Determine whether Florida has a statewide cancer or immunization registry. If so, determine the source of the data included in the registries. Then, find out what diseases are on the notifiable or reportable list for Florida. 2) Visit any cancer registry. Review the annual report. Describe the … Read more

Should convicted offenders be able to automatically assume their previous life’s freedom once they complete their sentence? Should they be able to vote, assume food stamp programs and live in public housing? It is a violation of their basic freedom to not allow these benefits?

Description Florida just recently voted to restore voting rights to most felons. In light of this decision, it is interesting to consider the continued inequalities that convicted offenders serve after their sentences are completed. Should convicted offenders be able to automatically assume their previous life’s freedom once they complete their sentence? Should they be able … Read more

School health: compare the services and educational component as described on the website.

School health Access the school health website of Ohio and Florida (<button type=”button” data-after=”Copied to clipboard” class=”link-visual copy-content-on-click tooltipstered”></button> (Links to an external site.) and <button type=”button” data-after=”Copied to clipboard” class=”link-visual copy-content-on-click tooltipstered”></button> (Links to an external site.)). Compare the services and educational component as described on the website. Compare this to the service described … Read more

Explain how the court address or respect our right as citizens

Explain how the court address or respect our right as citizens Choose a case from your state(FLORIDA) that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court. If your (Florida) state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights … Read more

What would you do to prevent Zika virus infection in your town?

Zika virus infection among pregnant women can cause birth defects such as microcephaly in the newborn child. Imagine you are the mayor of a small suburban town in Florida in which mosquitoes are known to carry Zika virus. What would you do to prevent Zika virus infection in your town? If you decide to use … Read more

Provide case Law from florida, as many as, contrast and distinguish.

Provide case Law from florida, as many as possible . Compare, contrast and distinguish. Answer should be solely based on the Law. The focus is emergency theory. Use these headings in answering the following. 1. Heading 2. Question Presented 3. Brief Answer 4. Fact Statement 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion (when appropriate)

Florida’s Construction defect statute: explain the effectiveness of this statute and its benefits.

Florida’s Construction defect statute “Ten Pages of Content or longer-term paper with proper accreditation addressing: Florida’s Construction defect statute  which became effective on May 27, 2003, has caused considerable confusion among construction practitioners and contractors relating to its procedure and enforcement. This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by … Read more