Finance Management: are all the patient services departments profitable?if not,should they be closed?explain why or why not.

Finance Management Do you think the allocation method (cost drivers) used were appropriate? Explain why or why not. Can you suggest more appropriate allocation methods (cost driver) for the support department’s overhead cost allocations? Explain why your allocation method would be more appropriate. Are all the patient services departments profitable ? If not, should they … Read more

Finance Management in Health Services: briefly explain why the briefing information speaks about the staffing cost to the organization rather than salary or wage.why is the cost to the organization higher than the hourly salary or wage paid to staff?

Finance Management in Health Services Freshly graduated with your Master’s degree from La Trobe University (congratulations!), you have been appointed as a divisional director to the Upper Combuktor West Health Service in regional Victoria. As part of the government strategy to address the COVID-19 crisis, the chief executive, Mrs McGillacuddy, (affectionately known by all as … Read more