The Dred Scott Decision : Explain how the cases link and whether they were moving forward or backward, or a combination.

The Dred Scott Decision The Dred Scott Decision, the 14th Amendment, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown vs The Board of Education (1 and 2) are all tied together. One could call them collectively examples of a step forward (progress) or a step backward (regression). Explain how the cases link and whether they were moving forward … Read more

Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional.

Plessy v Ferguson: Perpetuating Segragation. Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional. Total of 6 pages and a minimum of 1 primary source.