What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing?

Web Development Project 4 Each person has to upload the project to the Internet and D2L.  Required components of the Project include: Find appropriate topics or cases for your final project (e.g, School Web Site, Bookstore Web Site, Commercial Web Site, personal/family website, etc.) Documentation about your project in a Word Document A recorded presentation … Read more

What stood out in this module that was most interesting or helpful for you?

Speak specifically about the work you’ve done in this Module, rather than generally. Medical writing reflection Purpose After each major assignment, you are asked to reflect on your work in the Module. This reflection helps me to understand your thinking with the assignment and your learning and development in this course. Instructions Thinking about the … Read more

Describe how the messages will be communicated to the internal audience.

Brief introduction of the organization including its history, structure, culture, etc. Here, describe the situation that calls for the internal communication plan, including the SWOT analysis of the organization if applicable. (study case)Internal Communication Plan written report format A manufacturing company is facing challenges in effectively communicating with its employees. The company has grown rapidly … Read more