Potential wrongdoers: can the FTC take action themselves to investigate possible wrongdoing?or, must they wait for a consumer complaint?Explain.

Potential wrongdoers The Federal Trade Commission has two primary missions: to protect competition and to protect consumers. The FTC has the authority to seek relief for consumers, including injunctions and restitution, and in some instances to seek civil penalties from potential wrongdoers. Can the FTC take action themselves to investigate possible wrongdoing? Or, must they … Read more

What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices?

Consumer laws were established to protect purchasers of goods and services. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices? Consider 1 of the following sections of the Federal Trade Commission Act: -Deceptive Advertising … Read more

Find three advertisements from the U.S. magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss.

One of the industries closely watched by the Federal Trade Commission is the weight-loss industry. Find three advertisements from the U.S. magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss. What claims were made? Do you believe the claims are truthful and legitimate? How do you, as a consumer, distinguish between what is truthful and … Read more