Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.

Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed Instructions Propose an organizational policy and practice guidelines that you believe will lead to an improvement in quality and performance associated with the benchmark underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1. ( diabetic foot exams metric) precise, professional, and … Read more

Identify and discuss the Core functions of public health. what are the three core functions of public health?what are the essential services associated with each of these?

HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS AND CORE FUNCTIONS View the E-learning course – Introduction to public health (slides 1 -33) at Identify and discuss the Core functions of public health. What are the three core functions of public health?What are the essential services associated with each of these? – Give two examples each of federal, state, and … Read more