Think about one of your favorite TV characters or a TV character you find particularly interesting. After choosing your TV character, focus on a specific episode. Briefly describe the plot of the episode or situation within the episode in enough detail, so someone who hasn’t seen the show before can understand.

Theories of personality Psychodynamic, humanistic, biological and evolutionary, behavioral, and trait. Most of us have a favorite television show or movie we could watch on repeat. It is the personality of these characters that make the television shows and movies so enjoyable to watch. Think about one of your favorite TV characters or a TV … Read more

Which theory from the list above does this video support? Explain your response.

Here are the theories about gender development that you should understand tocomplete this assignment – evolutionary theory, cognitive developmental theory,gender-schema theory, social cognitive developmental theory, biosocial theory andpsychobiosocial theory. 1. Watch the following video: Which theory from the list above does this video support? Explain your response. 2. Watch the following video: What … Read more