Case Case Study: define the case study report audience and the appropriate reporting methodology

Case Case Study Instructions                                                                                                                                           After reviewing the material: Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work (Keller) Chapter 10 Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods (Yin) Chapters 6 Lean Six Sigma: Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Practicing Lean Six Sigma (Hall & Scott) Chapter 8 Lean Six Sigma Toolkit (George) Chapters 10-12 … Read more

Write a reflection on the Keller book “Every Good Endeavor” and about God’s plan for how we should handle challenging work, the problems we can face at work, and better ways to honor God with our work.

  Integrating Faith and Learning DB 820 Demonstrate a Reflection on the course content and think about the level of knowledge and skill required to effectively conduct meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis. Write a reflection on the Keller book “Every Good Endeavor” and about God’s plan for how we should handle challenging work, the problems … Read more