Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?Who would you ultimately hire and why?

Ethics Tamba Hiring Candidate 1 would give the company hope and liability to overcome the current unhealthy status, because Candidate 1 has a stellar sales record selling supplies to similar types of organizations. His vast experiences and higher sales numbers have an incredible reputation than the other two Candidates. One of the disadvantages of Candidate … Read more

Evaluate the scenario given below and provide some comments on the ethics and suggest an alternative design or research approach.

Epidemiology. Evaluate the scenario given below and provide some comments on the ethics and suggest an alternative design or research approach. Scenario: In New York City between 1997 -2002 there were a series of trials assessing the efficacy of Antiretroviral therapy and vaccinations against various infectious diseases. The sponsors of these trials were the US … Read more

What do you think is the ethical thing to do in this situation and what would you choose to do regardless?

Ethics. You work at a dialysis center where people with impaired kidney function come to use a dialysis machine to clean their blood as would their kidneys if they were working properly.  You are the Facility Administrator in a location of a small chain of dialysis centers founded and run by a group of doctors … Read more

Describe the company, including business sector, products sold, competitors, and the geographic area where business is conducted.

Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to use information from financial statements to compare current market share with competitors. Throughout the course, you will be applying what you learn about the principles and practices of financial accounting by completing an ongoing project called the Financial Statement Analysis Report on a … Read more

How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart’s recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics. What do they need to do to better comply with Bart’s suggestions?

Ethics Access the article on ethics by Bart, C. (2011) in the reading area. Based on the recommendations by Bart in the article: How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart’s recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics. What do they need to do … Read more

Write an essay entry with 5 Topics. Each Topic/entry should be treated like a mini essay, introduce the concept then critically evaluate it.

CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN POLICING Write an essay entry with 5 Topics. Each Topic/entry should be treated like a mini essay, introduce the concept then critically evaluate it. 1. Ethics in Policing (1000)words with academic references below it. 2.Corruption (500 words) with academic references below it 3.Cyber Crime(500 words) with academic references below it. 4.Community Policing … Read more

Identify ways that a leader can effectively communicate their vision and how to improve on listening skills.

Culture and Ethics 1. Explain how strategic vision would apply to an organization for a leader. 2. Identify ways that a leader can effectively communicate their vision and how to improve on listening skills. 3. Explain how motivation can impact leadership. 4. Explain how high ethical standards and ethical leadership apply to organizations on a … Read more