Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical issues in designing and carrying out psychological research.

Survey Project proposal. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical issues in designing and carrying out psychological research. Apply the key requirements of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 when designing your research project. Develop appropriate project resources including a participant information leaflet, participant consent form, project materials … Read more

Examine your figure or character from the perspective of Jung’s theoretical approach to personality and describe your chosen figure or character based on the dichotomous facets of personality as defined by Jung.

Choose a historically important figure or a character from a movie, novel, or TV show, then address the following in your paper: Examine your figure or character from the perspective of Jung’s theoretical approach to personality and describe your chosen figure or character based on the dichotomous facets of personality as defined by Jung. Evaluate … Read more

Business: Highlight and discuss the importance of individual and organizational ethical thinking and practice and how you can apply ethical decision making.

Business Highlight and discuss the importance of individual and organizational ethical thinking and practice and how you can apply ethical decision making. Think critically about the role of business in society and explain it using example. Demonstrate your understanding on the way in which theory can underpin how ethical issues are viewed.

Ethical issues in nursing: present a balanced view of an ethical issue; to clearly articulate both sides of an ethical issue.

Ethical issues in nursing •Present a balanced view of an ethical issue; to clearly articulate both sides of an ethical issue. •Identify an ethical framework, model, theory, or set of principles and describe its application to an ethical issue. The paper: is clearly written; is within page limit; contains accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. adheres … Read more

Randomized Control Style: discuss ethical issues that can arise in your study design.

Randomized Control Style This assignment addresses design strategies and ethical issues associated with experimental studies. Instructions •Design your own randomized controlled trial using the steps given in Chapter 8 of your textbook. •Use the example of a drug study in which is it appropriate to use a placebo or you can choose your own topic. … Read more

The Belgium Brewing: describe the company’s Ethics and Social Responsibility and how the concept of Triple Bottom-line is reflected in the company’s philosophy, mission, and actions.

The Belgium Brewing Discuss the different theories of ethics, models of social responsibility, strategies for responding to ethical issues, and elements of triple bottom-line. Conduct an internet research on New Belgium Brewing to expand on the information you gathered from the videos. Applying the theories, concepts and principles discussed in Module 3. Describe the company’s … Read more

Briefly give the marketing slogan for your museum that emphasizes its positive qualities.

  Consider a complex dynamic in tourism. Based on the additional readings and videos provided this week, imagine that you are the director of marketing for one of two fictional museums. Imagine that you are on the internal Public Relations team and have been asked to address these issues. Answer the questions following the description … Read more

Develop a case study pertaining to a successful leader in a criminal justice related profession.

Develop a case study pertaining to a successful leader in a criminal justice related profession. Describe various leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice. Provide valid arguments for and against identified ethical issues in criminal justice leadership. Adhere to APA guidelines and a minimum of three (3) computer-generated, double-spaced 12 point font pages … Read more