Appraise, compare, and interpret key theories, concepts and methodological issues related to research in the built environment.

Research process1. Appraise, compare, and interpret key theories, concepts and methodological issues related to research in the built environment. 2. Explain and relate the nature and purpose of each stage in the research process and be able to justify options. 3. Design and propose a research project on a specific area of study, including ethical … Read more

Briefly describe some of the core ethical considerations in prevention programming for this target problem in your community including stakeholder collaboration, informed consent, and confidentiality.

Social Change Portfolio: Part 4: Diversity and Ethical Consideration . Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider Diversity and Ethical Considerations as they relate to the diverse population in your targeted community problem. Create a section in your Social Change Portfolio called “Part 4: “Diversity and Ethical Considerations” Conduct a literature review and/or … Read more