Brief summary of the article, issue, event or post in your own words (approx. 1 paragraph)

Contemporary Issues Journal II Instructions The content of this class is closely related to many contemporary issues or current events in the real world. For this assignment, you will need to identify recent events or developments presented in the news or social media and analyze them to make connections to course material. Your 3 journal … Read more

Do you have any Cyber Security related topics you can present on that line up with a skill in a job position?

PowerPoint slides with presentation speech per slide Content: Present what you know regarding Cyber Security in a condensed presentation. Do you have a github account? Have you ever written a bash script, a python script? Look back at some of the biggest projects you have put together at NOVA and here at Mason and other … Read more

Who does it affect, and how does it affect them in this life, the afterlife, and the next life?

How do these apply to love and compassion for others This final essay should be approximately 2000 words, double spaced. You should provide at least six peer reviewed sources to help substantiate points made throughout you essays. Just as with the Mini Essays, you must use Chicago Style for references with footnotes and a bibliography. … Read more

How does commercial sterilization differ from sterilization procedures used in a hospital or laboratory?

Briefly discuss the importance of algae in nature. 1-How does commercial sterilization differ from sterilization procedures used in a hospital or laboratory? 2-Outline the steps in the production of cheese, and compare the production of hard and soft cheeses. Which bacteria seem to be most frequently used in the production of food? Propose an explanation … Read more

Prepare a memorandum discussing all causes of action against the 911 operator, the EMT and the Emergency Squad.

All three men suffered permanent physical injury as a result of being in the water for more than thirty minutes. Alan recently bought his dream vacation home in the mountains, a “fixer-upper” with a deck that jutted out over the river. During the summer and fall he worked on outdoor repairs, including replacing many, but … Read more

Examine each character in the phone number and increment the appropriate count in the array.

Elements of computer programming Assignment-5 Problem 1: In check-writing systems, it’s crucial to prevent alteration of check amounts. One common security method requires that the amount be written in numbers and spelled out in words as well. Even if someone can alter the numerical amount of the check, it’s tough to change the amount in … Read more

Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?

CYB 362 – Vulnerability Analysis Hands-on Assignment Objective The objective of this lab is to gain experience in vulnerability analysis. Prerequisites Laptop with internet connectivity Virtual environment One metasploitable machine One Kali machine Lab Setup Go to and sign up for a nessus trial Go to the email you signed up with and copy … Read more

Provide a power point presentation of maximum 15 slides about (learning from errors to prevent harm) from this references or any references about quality not older than 2016 (3 to 5 references)

Learning from errors to prevent harm Provide a power point presentation of maximum 15 slides about (learning from errors to prevent harm) from this references or any references about quality not older than 2016 (3 to 5 references), and to write in each slide in another way not copy paste from the book because plagiarism … Read more

Explain each of these concepts that contributes to variation used in Natural Selection in a drawing or other visual way.

Explain and draw the four sources of variation. Use the table worksheet below to explain and draw the four sources of variation. Four Sources of Variation In the four boxes below, explain each of these concepts that contributes to variation used in Natural Selection in a drawing or other visual way. Mutation Meiosis Sexual Reproduction … Read more

What type of content are they posting And social media platforms used?

Social Media Marketing Project Assignment In this project, you will work as a group to provide social media consulting. You own a Social Media consulting company, and your company has been selected to work with a new Saudi B2C organization (business or non-profit) of your choice (select a business of any industry). The selected business … Read more