Create different ways of recycling cost-effectively with creative destruction and the development of new technologies, technology could be phased out, and machines could replace working people.

Guiltinan, 2009 Evolution of environmentally friendly products, customers and sustainability or can keep longer (Guiltinan, 2009). Create different ways of recycling cost-effectively with creative destruction and the development of new technologies, technology could be phased out, and machines could replace working people.

Discuss the factors that influence people’s choice of environmentally friendly products.Explain how visual stimuli affect people’s decisions.

Factors that influence people’s choice of environmentally friendly products. 1. Discuss the factors that influence people’s choice of environmentally friendly products. 2. Explain how visual stimuli affect people’s decisions. This research paper  should just write 5 pages introduction and literature review. intro for 2 pages and lit review for 3 pages. Write in apa style. … Read more