Entrepreneurship and Innotivaon : Utilise the knowledge and skills gained through the module to generate an idea for a ‘new’ venture, evaluate its possibility for ‘success’ and reflect on your learning.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Utilise the knowledge and skills gained through the module to generate an idea for a ‘new’ venture, evaluate its possibility for ‘success’ and reflect on your learning. This could be for a business or social enterprise. This will require : -Use appropriate frameworks discussed during the module to generate potential ‘business’ ideas. … Read more

Express your views and comments about the topic related to entrepreneurship, innovation and technology-related system in business organizations in 2000 words with tables and figures excluding referencing.

Entrepreneurship, innovation and technology Express your views and comments about the topic related to  entrepreneurship, innovation and technology-related system in business organizations in 2000 words with tables and figures excluding referencing. At least 12 scientific journals should be used to support your ideas. Essay topic: 1. Does the impact of technology elements (e.g. AI, Blockchain, … Read more

Write a well-constructed 4-paragraph essay that describes the business techniques and innovations the industrialists of the late 1800s used to achieve success.

Entrepreneurship. John D. Rockefeller said, “If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” Entrepreneurs in the late 1800s took Rockefeller’s advice to heart and broke new ground, especially in steel, banking, and Rockefeller’s own oil industry. Write a well-constructed 4-paragraph essay that … Read more

Entrepreneurship : Create a nonprofit organization and discuss your interest in non-profit organizations.

Entrepreneurship. 7 pages or 4 sources or it can be less. Create a nonprofit organization and include the following in your presentation. 1. Discuss your interest in non-profit organizations. 2. In your opinion, what it takes to start a non-profit organization. 3. What needs to be done to make it acceptable to the general public. … Read more

Entrepreneurship: write a report of 3,500 words, that is to be addressed to an investor in which you identify a problem, stakeholders who could or should do something and a potential to implementation.

Entrepreneurship Write a report of 3,500 words, that is to be addressed to an investor in which you identify a problem, stakeholders who could or should do something and a potential to implementation. References: Provide min 21 references, preferable to have at least 8 references from the references used in the subject modules, meaning the … Read more

Advanced Entrepreneurship: what do you call a temporary business that is searching to be profitable, scalable, and repeatable?

Advanced Entrepreneurship •What do you call a temporary business that is searching to be profitable, scalable, and repeatable? •Create an infographic.As you create your infographic, consider the following questions: What facts or information are essential to use? Which are not essential? What colors and layout design do you feel will work best with your information? … Read more

Entrepreneurship: read the article on BOSI DNA or view the video. which type do you identify with most?do any entrepreneurs you know personally fit a particular type?

Entrepreneurship Read the article on BOSI DNA or view the video. Which type do you identify with most? Do any entrepreneurs you know personally fit a particular type? Further reading Daley, J. (2013) “Are Entrepreneurs born or made?” entrepreneur.com October 2013. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/228273 (Links to an external site.) Blank & Dorf, The Start-Up Owner’s Manual: A Step by Step Guide … Read more

Entrepreneurship: write a reflexive essay represents a 1500 word  piece of coursework demonstrating student’s ability to concisely engage with academic literature and understand theory, explain how the theories will assist in certain situations/future situations.

Entrepreneurship Write a reflexive essay represents a 1500 word  piece of coursework demonstrating student’s ability to concisely engage with academic literature and understand theory, explain how the theories will assist in certain situations/future situations

Entrepreneurship: identify and critically evaluate the specific skills that an entrepreneur would ideally possess in today’s post COVID-19, international business environment as a small supplier to the aforementioned Global airline.

Entrepreneurship Identify and critically evaluate the specific skills that an entrepreneur would ideally possess in today’s post COVID-19, international business environment as a small supplier to the aforementioned Global airline. How will the entrepreneur’s skills and traits evolve and develop as the Global airline develops its capacity again? Which of the entrepreneurs’ initial characteristics and … Read more

International leadership and entrepreneurship: outline and critically evaluate the leadership style best suited to a global airline impacted by COVID-19 and the resultant lock downs, travel bans and travel restrictions, the furloughing of staff and right-sizing of the enterprise.

International leadership and entrepreneurship Outline and critically evaluate the leadership style best suited to a global airline impacted by COVID-19 and the resultant lock downs, travel bans and travel restrictions, the furloughing of staff and right-sizing of the enterprise. Critically evaluate how the appropriate leadership approach would assist in rebuilding the profitability and sustainability of … Read more