Organometallic chemistry : Name two-to-five entities that will be part of your database.Explain why you have chosen these entities.

Organometallic chemistry Name two-to-five entities that will be part of your database.Explain why you have chosen these entities. Using the Chen format as shown and discussed in the Oppel text, draw an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram for two of the entities, name the identifier for the selected entitiies, and attach the drawing to your discussion post. … Read more

Demonstrate your knowledge of the data and the logical relationships of entities that will be used in the database.

“Demonstrate your knowledge of the data and the logical relationships of entities that will be used in the database. Describe how the business requirements can be mapped into data fields in a database. Explain the importance of mapping source and destination fields. Review the dataset from the sample file and describe some of the data … Read more