What approach you recommend as your energy choice(s) for the future (based on above mentioned reasoning)

SSI Deliberative Exercise Instructions This is an individually written paper from your SSI Deliberative Exercise. Paper must be typewritten with 3-4 pages of text (12 font, 1.5 line spacing). Use sub headings as appropriate. Write a title for your paper – title is an overview of the specific content you present. 3.Write first part of … Read more

Show a paleogeographic map of the time period your fossil lived and where it was located.

Presentation on the sauropod dinosaur fossil Construct a presentation on your favorite fossil using the following as an outline: Show pictures of your fossils and state why you chose that fossil. What is its scientific name? i. Genus and species ii. What does that name mean (breakdown the Latin or Greek)? What is its colloquial … Read more