African diaspora:Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument , how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors?

African diaspora Write a 4-5 pages response (double-spaced, 12 point font) to the question below. Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument , how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors?

 “The Emancipation of Women”-who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her?what was the main conflict this essay was trying to confront and solve? use evidence from the essay.

 “The Emancipation of Women”- 1. Who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her? 2. What was the main conflict this essay was trying to confront and solve? Use evidence from the essay. 3. Did the author offer a solution? What might you have suggested instead? 4. How would Lysander Spooner view … Read more