Choose an intervention, skill, or technique being taught in this course What does this intervention, skill or technique accomplish, measure, improve, address or affect? Why is it needed? What problem does it address?

Evidence based practice Choose an intervention, skill, or technique being taught in this course What does this intervention, skill or technique accomplish, measure, improve, address or affect? Why is it needed? What problem does it address? Select one evidence based peer reviewed journal article that applies to your intervention/skill. Articles must be published within the … Read more

Relationship between teaching and learning: discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data be sure to include both averages and distributions.

Relationship between teaching and learning. Find a peer-reviewed, data-based article on EBSCO or Pro Quest related to the electric vehicle industry that has quantitative statistical research. Summarize the article very briefly (no more than 1 page) Discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data be sure to include … Read more

Write a six to eight page research paper that focuses on the use of themes in novels, generally and/or the novel Jazz, specifically.

Final Research Paper. Write a six to eight page research paper that focuses on the use of themes in novels, generally and/or the novel Jazz, specifically. Hence, you will research five (5) to seven (7) additional sources to more fully explore the theme (s). Consequently, your final Reference or Works Cited Page must have six … Read more