Demonstrate a systematic understanding of research,national frameworks and practical knowledge in relation to management and leadership and working with others in educational and/or early childhood contexts.

Leadership, Management and Team Working in the Children’s Workforce. 1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of research,national frameworks and practical knowledge in relation to management and leadership and working with others in educational and/or early childhood contexts. 2. Critically analyze theories relevant to the management of change within rapidly evolving sectors concerned with education and childhood, … Read more

What factors, both those in the social environment and those internal to the child, influence the rate of development?

The Development of Theory of Mind in Early Childhood Children’s awareness of thoughts, wants and feelings is inferred from what they say and do in naturalistic and experimental situations. Natural settings show the child’s abilities to interact with others in the real world. 1. What are the typical developments in theory of mind from infancy … Read more