Submit a paper detailing a mental illness found within the DSM 5.

Submit a paper detailing a mental illness found within the DSM 5. Paper should include the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria and address the prevalence rate of the disorder in the general population and within specific populations, if applicable. Address the development and course of the disorder and detail an co-morbid diagnoses that may arise with … Read more

Case Formulation and Treatment Plan:create a DSM-5 diagnosis, a treatment plan and a summary integrating evidence-based literature  justifying the treatment plan.

Case Formulation and Treatment Plan Create a DSM-5 diagnosis, a treatment plan and a summary integrating evidence-based literature  justifying the treatment plan. Cross reference the DSM IV TR diagnosis with the DSM 5 and note any differences in diagnosis or treatment plan. 7 pages in length, excluding title page and reference pages. Incorporate at 5 … Read more