What are some of the actual environmental, economic, agronomic (yield) and social outcomes of the two major GM trait technologies?

How do other resources impact or influence your chosen resource Selecting 2 prompts and write about them Choose 2 of the 4 prompts below, and provide a complete response. Be sure that you address the full prompt, and demonstrate your completion of course content by using examples from class. You may use drawings, other creative … Read more

Environmental Science : Write an op-ed letter about a local environmental issue such as: Implications of unregulated development,Loss of endemic species and implications of over use of groundwater.

Environmental Science. Write an op-ed letter about a local environmental issue such as: Implications of unregulated development Loss of endemic species Implications of over use of groundwater 300 – 500-word letter to appropriate Dropbox. Difference between Op-Ed letter and letter to the editor Reflect upon the process of writing the letter and the public’s responsibility … Read more