Focus on ‘feminism’ highlighted Dorothy Smith and Joan Acker. Compare and contrast their thinking to each other. How does their approach to understanding social life to those used by Erving Goffman on one hand, and Michel Foucault on the other.

Feminism J._Acker_-_Theory_of_Gendered_Organizations_1990 The_Everyday_World_as_Problematic_A_Feminist_Sociology__Dorothy_E._Smith___z-lib.org_ E._Goffman_ASR_1983 Discipline_and_Punish._The_Birth_of_the_Prison__Michel_Foucault___z-lib.org_ Focus on ‘feminism’ highlighted Dorothy Smith and Joan Acker. Compare and contrast their thinking to each other. How does their approach to understanding social life to those used by Erving Goffman on one hand, and Michel Foucault on the other.