Use Roger’s five factors from the notes to discuss how quickly or slowly this innovation is likely to diffuse through the marketplace.

Indicate for each factor whether this is something that will likely speed up or slow down diffusion. GA3 Innovation This document is our group work, you can go on and write part, Use Roger’s five factors from the notes to discuss how quickly or slowly this innovation is likely to diffuse through the marketplace. Discuss … Read more

Discuss two or three scenes that create the inspirational quality of the movie.

Movie Evaluation Your assignment is to write a 1,000-word analytical movie evaluation over a movie on the AFI’s Top 100 Inspirational Films. In the introduction, provide the production facts of the movie, such as when it was produced; producer & director; major actors; awards; financial success; screenwriter. Document the source of this information with an … Read more

What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing?

Web Development Project 4 Each person has to upload the project to the Internet and D2L.  Required components of the Project include: Find appropriate topics or cases for your final project (e.g, School Web Site, Bookstore Web Site, Commercial Web Site, personal/family website, etc.) Documentation about your project in a Word Document A recorded presentation … Read more

What is the ‘next step’ to further developing this solution?  E.g. Future Planned Activities

Document the process of how you enhanced your website using feedback. Web Development Each person has to upload the project to the Internet and D2L.  Required components of the Project include: Find appropriate topics or cases for your final project (e.g, School Web Site, Bookstore Web Site, Commercial Web Site, personal/family website, etc.) Documentation about … Read more

Briefly describe the purpose of the matrix

  PERCEPTUAL MAPS MATRIX 1 Briefly describe the purpose of the matrix ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references. 2 Select dimensions/categories for X -axis and Y- Axis. ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references. 3 Develop … Read more

Identify five issues in this case that are contributing to/causing the problem and that require management attention

Explain and identify an example from the case that illustrates the issue. Management case study Answer following prompt based on article attached, Feel free to find and identify an issue found in the article. An example of how the case brief should look is attached. Formatting is essential for this assignment: The brief is … Read more

Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document.

CRIM235 writes a question Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document. Develop two from materials in Chapter 7 and two from Chapter 8. Make sure you identify the correct answer. each question should have 4 multiple choices like A,B,C and D.