Explain the “plain-view” doctrine and the probable cause requirement with respect to this doctrine.

Arizona v. Hicks (1987), and the Supreme Court Imagine that the Supreme Court has issued a decision that reverses Arizona v. Hicks (1987), and the Supreme Court under a new case fictional case, entitled New York v. Henderson (2016), now holds that the plain view doctrine does allow police officers to seize on less than … Read more

What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? what, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans and other people of color?”

Response for each question must be 200 words or longer. 1) What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? What, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? Have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans … Read more