Genetics : Where do you think all this might go in the future? How do you think genetic technologies, including the detection, analysis, and manipulation of DNA, could be used by people in future generations?

Genetics Consider what you’ve already learned about the applications of genetics in this class. Genetic technologies are being used to solve crimes, cure disease, improve crops, help people discover their ancestry, and inform people about their health risks. Where do you think all this might go in the future? How do you think genetic technologies, … Read more

Modify the current DNA matching process to model Scenarios 1-5. Run each scenario model for 500 trials, using a Random Number Seed of 393. Estimate the minimum, average and maximum times in system for each scenario. Produce a table listing these values in minutes, including the low and high 95% ranges.

Operational Analytics Modify the current DNA matching process to model Scenarios 1-5. Run each scenario model for 500 trials, using a Random Number Seed of 393. Estimate the minimum, average and maximum times in system for each scenario. Produce a table listing these values in minutes, including the low and high 95% ranges.

Using the sources on African and African American Ethnicity And the African Ethnic Groups Power Point, What do you know about the Ethnic Groups in Nigeria? What does Vanessa Bigaud Really Know about her AFRICAN Ethnicity?

DNA and ETHNICITY from NIGERIA Review the 23 and Me You Tube Video below. This Woman on her You Tube Channel Shares with her Followers that she received her DNA Results from 23 and Me in which she learns that she is 32.1% “Nigerian” and as you hear different percentages from other African Countries. Using … Read more

Forensic technologies : Select three forensic technologies and research a relevant case study of a criminal investigation that makes explicit use of them.

Forensic technologies. Select three forensic technologies and research a relevant case study of a criminal investigation that makes explicit use of them 1.DNA, 2.Fingerprints (and other impressions) 3.Bodily Fluids (a total of 3 case studies, one for each of the chosen technology). You must reference in Harvard style. Each of your three case studies needs … Read more

Double strand DNA break : Explain how Cas9 detects and cleaves DNA targets, and (eukaryotic) cellular responses to the resultant double strand DNA break.

Double strand DNA break Explain how Cas9 detects and cleaves DNA targets, and (eukaryotic) cellular responses to the resultant double strand DNA break. The word limit is 2000 words ± 10% (does not include figure legends and references but does include the in-text citations).

Use of Markers : Compare and contrast VNTRs and STRs with respect to forensic science.

Use of Markers Scenario There are approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA in the human genome. Only ~1% of this genome can be characterized as ‘gene’ or ‘protein coding’, which leaves 99% mainly unaccountable. Previously termed ‘Junk DNA’ (non-coding DNA is a slightly friendlier term), this 99% is becoming more and more important as … Read more

Discuss two forensic examinations Methods. Be sure to address the types of forensic evidence and what each examination reveals to investigators.

DNA in criminal justice investigations 1. Discuss two forensic examinations Methods. Be sure to address the types of forensic evidence and what each examination reveals to investigators. 2. Explain how the use of DNA has advanced criminal justice investigations over the last few decades. Also discuss the limitations of DNA evidence. .

THE DNA MOLECULE: discuss the similarities and differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA

THE DNA MOLECULE (3 points) · Describe the structure of the eukaryotic DNA · Discuss the similarities and differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA · In eukaryotic cells, DNA and RNA synthesis occur in a separate compartment from protein synthesis. In prokaryotic cells, both processes occur together. What advantages might there be to separate the … Read more

Did Darwin’s idea of evolution go against common beliefs? Yes or No Why was, and still may be, Darwin’s idea of evolution dangerous?

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea Did Darwin’s idea of evolution go against common beliefs? Yes or No Why was, and still may be, Darwin’s idea of evolution dangerous? Note: info to answer this is throughout the movie. How did Darwin know that the mountains rose from the sea? What structure was looked at in the finches? … Read more