Explain what Ayer means by justification, truth, and conviction .What are the details and reasons for Gettier’s objection

Knowledge & Knowing. In the Mediations, Descartes was concerned to find knowledge that was true, certain, and well-justified. Three centuries later, A. J. Ayer wrote that to know something is have a justified true belief about it. Gettier objected to Ayer’s characterization of knowledge by offering a counterexample. In your view, are the criteria of … Read more

Explain what Ayer means by justification, truth, and conviction.

Knowledge & Knowing In the Mediations, Descartes was concerned to find knowledge that was true, certain, and well-justified. Three centuries later, A. J. Ayer wrote that to know something is have a justified true belief about it. Gettier objected to Ayer’s characterization of knowledge by offering a counterexample. In your view, are the criteria of … Read more

Explain what Ayer means by justification, truth, and conviction (belief), and reasons for Gettier’s objection.

Knowledge and Knowing In the Mediations, Descartes was concerned to find knowledge that was true, certain, and well-justified. Three centuries later, A. J. Ayer wrote that to know something is have a justified true belief about it. Gettier objected to Ayer’s characterization of knowledge by offering a counterexample. In your view, are the criteria of … Read more

In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.”

BODY IN PHILOSOPHY In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.” Drawing on the readings covered in class ; Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger and Foucault give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood … Read more

Descartes hails as a great victory over the “Evil Demon” the claim that despite every doubt, he cannot be deceived in thinking that he exists. Just what, in particular, does he really have the right to know, based on that claim? Discuss the consequences of Descartes’ argument in the context of his Meditations and overall philosophical project.

Philosophy Write an essay of about  2000-2500  words on one of the following topics.Explain clearly the views and arguments you discuss and your own view of the topic. You should also try to identify the greatest weaknesses of views and arguments you discuss, and whether you think they can be replied to. Essays should  be … Read more

Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality?

Nature of Reality 1.Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality? 2.Explain Descartes method in his Meditations on First Philosophy. How does does his doubt lead to the certainty of “cogito ergo sum.” … Read more

Plato and Aristotle : Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality?

Plato and Aristotle Using the text and online resources in this module, evaluate any video, and respond to one of the following focused questions in at least 500 words. (Be sure to cite online sources by author or title and date as well as Web address/URL.) In your original responses, be sure to cite primary … Read more

What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz.

Explain the core beliefs of rationalism and empiricism, two major intellectual camps in Modern philosophy. What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. Analyze Spinoza’s and Leibniz’s treatment of freedom in light of the idea of mechanical determinism. Present their arguments and … Read more