Come up with a policy of how to deal with the immigrant situation at our Southern border.Show how your answer fits into or disagrees with the three theories from the Chapter four Matrix. Consequentialism, Deontology or Virtue Theory.

Immigration Come up with a policy of how to deal with the immigrant situation at our Southern border.Show how your answer fits into or disagrees with the three theories from the Chapter four Matrix. Consequentialism, Deontology or Virtue Theory. This should be a minimum of one page in length.

In a scenario where a nurse VS patient value does not match, what can the nurse do?

Nursing practice 1 In a scenario where a nurse VS patient value does not match, what can the nursedo? 2 How do Deontology and consequentialism apply in nursing practice? 3  What will a nurse do if they fail to maintain their commitment as nurses. Eg: Ifsomebody gives you a patient assignment and for ethical reasons, … Read more

What will the captain do if he chooses Utilitarianism and if he chooses Deontology? what would you do in his place? Why?

Utilitarianism or deontology The captain of a boat is smuggling a family of refugees from Nazi Germany. A German naval boat comes alongside the captain’s boat and an officer asks if there are any refugees aboard. If the captain says “yes,” the Nazi officer may come aboard and shoot them. If the captain says “no” … Read more

In the form of a short journal article, critically evaluate ONE of the aspects of law identified in List A, in terms of ONE of the theoretical perspectives in List B.

Healthcare law In the form of a short journal article, critically evaluate ONE of the aspects of law identified in List A, in terms of ONE of the theoretical perspectives in List B. List A                                         … Read more

Develop moral guidelines for using key recent and emerging healthcare and social technologies based on moral theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, care-based ethics, ethical egoism and social contract theory.

Moral theories Develop moral guidelines for using key recent and emerging healthcare and social technologies based on moral theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, care-based ethics, ethical egoism and social contract theory. Propose a course of social action and a solution by using the ethics of egoism, utilitarianism, the “veil of ignorance” method, deontological … Read more

Analyze themes that reflect the human condition, such as economic, ethical, historical, personal, political, and/or social issues, discovered in literature. Focuses on elements such as plot, character, and conflict.

Deontology & “A Few Good Men” •Analyze themes that reflect the human condition, such as economic, ethical, historical, personal, political, and/or social issues, discovered in literature. Focuses on elements such as plot, character, and conflict. •Demonstrates how literature reflects human ethics and values and thus has relevance to today’s world. Incorporates Research: Uses and properly … Read more

Discuss utilitarian, deontology, and peace making models and your perspective of them.

Discuss Utilitarian, Deontology, and Peace Making models and your perspective of them. The paper should be a minimum of 6 pages but no more than 10 double-spaced pages in length(may include header) and cite and incorporate the material from at least 4 peer reviewed sources using APA writing style, size 12, double spaced, Times New … Read more

Critical Evaluation: critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the financial planning profession.

Critical Evaluation Critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the Financial Planning profession. In your answer, reflect on any of the materials, theories, concepts and resources we have studied this semester to develop your response. Resources for this task are as below and are attached: FASEA Code of ethics … Read more

What are some examples of the ways that modern computing technology like phones, laptops and social media have contributed to a cultural change that has resulted in a breakdown of our values, institutions like family and community, and our manners and traditions?

Answer all five Questions: 1. What are some examples of the ways that modern computing technology like phones, laptops and social media have contributed to a cultural change that has resulted in a breakdown of our values, institutions like family and community, and our manners and traditions? 2. Do you think that these trends of … Read more

Dentology: write a research paper, worth 150 points, over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses.

Dentology Write a research paper, worth 150 points, over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. The paper should be a minimum of 8 pages, not including Works Cited. APA style citations and a reference list must be used and provided