DB Response – LP (3) – Leadership: evaluate how you might overcome obstacles with technology?

DB Response – LP (3) – Leadership DB Post Many of our learners come to use with a variety of skill levels with technology. You will be working with various ages, ability levels, learning styles, special needs, diversity, and ELLs. Start thinking about how you will develop technology skills and competencies in all your learners … Read more

DB response – JS – education : design an educational evaluation plan for a school district, college, or corporate site that includes the ISTE standards for students as its outcomes.

DB Response – JS- Education DB Post After reviewing the ISTE standards for teachers, I found that a common theme is to continue to grow as an educator and inspire the younger generation. Teachers can be known as facilitators that guide students along the way as they utilize technology in the classroom (ISTE, n.d.). https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-teachers … Read more