Explain the basic legal rights of businesses or individuals who are affected by your chosen cybercrime issue.

Cybercrime 1. Explain the basic legal rights of businesses or individuals who are affected by your chosen cybercrime issue. 2. Explain at least two techniques people within your city can use to protect 3. Provide a list of resources (including a brief description and contact information) that would provide businesses or individuals in your city … Read more

Cybercrime : What are its main features, what crime is it aiming to prevent, how will it achieve its aims? Why is this app better than other approaches/responses that currently exist?

Cybercrime “You are a group of criminologists working for the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice is looking to develop a suite of crime prevention apps, and your group is designing a unique and cutting-edge app to pitch to the Department.” Your presentation should include: • An outline of your app – What are … Read more

Provide annotated bibliography of 8-10 sources on Ethical dilemmas involving privacy and cybercrime investigations.

Annotated Bibliography Provide annotated bibliography of 8-10 sources on Ethical dilemmas involving privacy and cybercrime investigations. Your Annotated Bibliography should consist of a title page, your annotations, a conclusion, and a reference list. Your Annotated Bibliography should be provided in APA format.

watch this documentary and comment on the future of AI in the world and  write 1000 words essay on IbF. What does this mean to our global world?

IbF watch this documentary and comment on the future of AI in the world and  write 1000 words essay on IbF. What does this mean to our global world? Include a position on global , Global Facebook moving disinformation into political, economic and cultural environments. How can advanced technology be used for “good?” In your … Read more

What challenges do cybercrimes present law enforcement agencies and how can such challenges best be addressed?

Cybercrime and Society What challenges do cybercrimes present law enforcement agencies and how can such challenges best be addressed? Format: Word document file, 3000 words All typed work should be in Arial 11 or Times New Roman font size 12. State the number of words used at the end of the assignment. Content in excess … Read more