Focusing on the differences in physical design, construction of separate towers, including the materials they are constructed from, the actual dimensions of the towers, the types of trays installed within the tower, and the auxiliary equipment associated with the process. Highlight how these factors impact the thermal efficiency of the towers.

Refining of crude oil There are several refining methodologies used in the refining of crude oil. Focusing on the differences in physical design, construction of separate towers, including the materials they are constructed from, the actual dimensions of the towers, the types of trays installed within the tower, and the auxiliary equipment associated with the … Read more

Describe the process for obtaining the value of the option at a particular node for each of the two options.

Pricing crude oil futures options In this part we would like you to build the three-step binomial tree for American futures options for crude oil and price those options using the equivalent binomial model. Please use the hedge portfolio approach to price the American call futures option and risk neutral valuation to price the equivalent … Read more

By how much did revenues increase or decrease as a result of the change in price?

Future Supply and Demand for Crude Oil Price per barrel (2208) Daily US demand for crude oil (in millions of barrels per day) Daily US supply of crude oil (in millions of barrels per day) $25.00 1.0 0.5 $30.00 0.9 0.6 $35.00 0.8 0.7 $40.00 0.7 0.8 $45.00 0.6 0.9 $50.00 0.5 1.0 $55.00 0.4 … Read more